Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Pregnancy Journal Link-Up, 39+ weeks

My Joy-Filled Life

Well, here we are. I'm at 39 weeks and 2 days as of right now. This is officially now my longest pregnancy. I'm feeling horribly depressed. I know I'm not to my due date. I know that baby is fine and healthy and I should be happy that he is doing well, blablabla. But I just feel miserable. I'm measuring over 41 weeks. My body has been having contractions for DAYS with hardly any result. I just feel like I am at the absolute end of my rope and the tiniest thing just triggers a huge puddle of tears to fall from my face. Its ridiculous. Had my appointment today, and I'm at 30% effaced...still. I did make it up to 3 cm, so that's progress. But since I was at 3 cm with my son for over 3 weeks I'm not all that excited about it. I thought the baby had dropped earlier in the week and was all excited - and I guess technically I was right, because he is now at -3 station, whereas before now he was so high it was unmeasurable. Sigh. I'm hanging in there, just barely though. I have tried to tell myself this whole pregnancy that I could go to my due date or even beyond, but I guess I just really never believed it since both my kids came before the due date and were big. I just didn't think my body would keep going this long. People keep telling me "don't have the baby until I go on vacation, or until my work schedule isn't busy, etc." I thought it was funny. Now I'm mad about it and blaming them. So anyway. That's my update for this week. I'm a big tearful puddly depressed mess of a mommy and I just want to go crawl into my bed and sleep for days. Maybe by the time I wake up my body will decide to go into labor. Sigh.

Sorry for being a bum.


  1. Hang in there! The Lord's timing is perfect. I know you know this. My first pregnancy went to 41 weeks. The next 2 were earlier. Then, #4 came a day before her due date... at night! Her apgar score said she was actually 41 weeks gestation. I am glad I did not know that during the pregnancy! Pregnancy always feels so LONG! I think mainly because our bodies are acting all crazy like, and we'd just like to be "normal" again. That, and we are really anxious to hold our sweet little ones in our arms!! So, unlike others, I am saying he needs to come BEFORE I go out of town! Otherwise I will have to wait until the end of August to meet him. That would make me sad!

    Keep looking up!

    1. Thanks Ellen. =o) I am so lucky to have people like you and Marcy, and my doula, encouraging me and helping me remember the important things. I know when I think I'm at the end of my rope, I usually find a little bit more there than I thought, or that there are some awfully powerful hands ready to catch me when I just can't take it anymore. I will have a baby. He must and will come out at some point, lol. Marcy helped me say no to membrane stripping today, by telling me her scary membrane and labor story! I appreciated it, and know that in the end I will be happy that I let this all be in God's hands and timing, and not tried to take it into my own.

  2. Oh Kelli, I just want to give you a hug!! It is so hard at the end and it's so normal to have these feelings. Just remember that every pregnancy and every baby is different; God has the perfect time for Aaron to arrive! Enjoy those little kicks from the inside a little longer! You can do this and you will do this.

    I know you aren't pregnant with twins, but at the end of my twin pregnancy, when I thought they were never going to come (carried them to 39 weeks 6 days and still had to be induced because I just wasn't going into labor), I would watch this youtube video and it would give me so much inspiration, encouragement and motivation. I tried finding a singleton photo montage, but I couldn't find one. This still gives me chills to watch:

    Blessings and prayers to you!


  3. With my last baby I felt like I was in light labor for a week before she was born! Good news was that active labor was only two hours long. :) (my other two were 5-6 hours active labor) All that prep labor usually makes things go fast!

  4. Many women are also experiencing those kinds of feelings. You body is not yet ready to let that baby out. There is always a perfect timing for that, and you don’t have to rush everything. As long as everything is going fine, you don’t have to worry.

    *Chelsea Leis
