Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Pregnancy Journal Link Up - 37 weeks

My Joy-Filled Life

37 weeks. Almost there. Just have to get over the hump. I can so totally do this. Its going to be a short update. I'm just grouchy and kind of feeling like I am "done" with being pregnant, ha.

So what's going on?
  • 2 cm, 30% effaced still.Cervix is really high, baby is head down and posterior. ....sigh.
  • Bag is packed, mostly... I think...
  • I'm feeling SUPER stressed. Not about baby or birth or pregnancy, but just about other life things. I think because I am just so tired, that all the other life happenings are affecting me much more than they would normally.
  • I am uncomfortable. I wouldn't say pain really... I just feel awkward and like my body isn't together right anymore and I'm not moving right and its just unnerving and annoying.
  • I am having a lot of cervical pressure. About 1 contraction an hour for the past 5 days. Never experienced this with my first two.
  • I feel like I'm so gripey. I'm not meaning to be... its just how the end of pregnancy goes I guess. Forgive me please. And pray for me to get over it and enjoy these last few weeks.
  • My doula has a feeling I'm going to go into labor within the next 2 weeks. I'm not sure. I am suspicious of this boy causing me trouble and being late. We shall see.
  • My diaper shower with the ladies at church was so sweet and wonderful! Such a blessing. After my amazing baby shower, and now the church shower, we are super set for baby and are just so thankful.

Discussion Question:  How do you plan on managing your pain during labor and delivery?

Since we are hoping to go med-free for this birth, I have done a bit of thinking about pain management. I'm planning to use music, massage, positioning, prayer, and all that jazz. Really my plan is just to kinda go with what my body says for me to do, because I think our bodies are made to do this and as long as I don't fight it, then I will know what to do.


  1. Thank you for your comment!!! Gave me some things to think about.

    Ugh, I'm jealous of your dilation. I'm at a stand still-1cm.

    I completely understand the grouchiness and being "done" with prengnacy. I'm right there with you but I'm sure after we deliever these precious blessings will be praying for another one ;)

    I hope your doula is right!!! Hope baby comes soon :) Will be praying for you and all that's going on!!!! :)

  2. Wow, you sound like me. I'm right along with you....36 weeks, grouchy, acid reflux, painful rib, swollen feet....gah! I want to meet this baby today! ha, ha. I'm really excited to meet him. I've got my bag packed and the doctor said everything looks great...just waiting for baby...

  3. I can SO relate to pretty much everything you said!! The worst part being that I'm only 33 weeks so therefore have even longer left to feel this way. lol I am more than thankful for this baby but these last few weeks of pregnancy are just rough (well, okay, most of the weeks during my pregnancies are rough in some way but that's beside the point I guess). Not to mention I normally go over my due date! Ah! Okay, I'll stop ranting on your comment now.
    Here's hoping and praying you go soon so the "misery" can be over for you. All kidding aside, I know you are super excited and ready to meet your little one, as well as be done with the pregnancy so you can start feeling normal again. Whatever that is. ;-) Can't wait to hear your birth story!


  4. Kelli - You have the right to be grouchy - you are at the end and I think the end is the hardest part! Uncomfortable and just waiting.

    I think your pain management strategy sounds great! You are right, our bodies were made to do this and we just need to give into our bodies and let them do their job! Knowing that the "pain" has a purpose, actually makes it more bearable.

    Praying for you!

