Friday, July 13, 2012

My Pregnancy Journal Link-Up - 38 weeks

My Joy-Filled Life

This week's pregnancy low-down:

  • Yes, 38 weeks. Almost there! I can't believe it. And at the same time, I can't believe I am not done yet. Funny how the last few weeks get. 2 weeks - that isn't long! But somehow when you are at the end of a pregnancy, its more like "2 weeks????? Are you kidding me?!?!?!"
  • 2 cm, 30% effaced. Still. My doctor tried to be nice and give me 2.5... but we both know she didn't mean it. LOL
  • Reality struck last night. I'm not ready. My bag isn't packed how it should be. I finally did buy some nursing pads and mama pads for after delivery. It must be clicking that oh yah, labor IS going to happen at some point... Plus my house is a mess. But instead of doing dishes last night like I should have, I forced my 9 year old to help me clear out her entire room and organize it from top to bottom. Let me tell ya, it wasn't pleasant, and I'm determined to organize the whole house before this baby comes. And those dishes? Well, I'm sure they'll get done... eventually. Until then, guess its lots of frozen pizza and take-out kiddos. (Like they would argue with that, ha!)
  • I have been so tired lately. And my body has been killing me. Last night though I was up til 1 A.M. cleaning and this morning got up at 6 and am moving faster than I have in weeks. Things must be imminent despite my lack of "progressing".
  • I still feel gripey, but I'm trying to be better about it. Lots to be thankful for. Even the achy hips, the waddling walk, and the clothes not fitting. It means I have a sweet healthy baby to meet soon! I should be rejoicing!
  • We told Mr. 3 year old big boy that the baby was going to "come out" soon. He seems excited. He says when he comes home he is going to close his eyes and be surprised about what he looks like, lol. Kids are so cute. He also said when the baby can walk he is going to chase him and pick him up and punch him... big brothers. What can I say? He is probably just telling the truth, lol!
  • I HAVE a picture of the belly, but I haven't gotten around to downloading anything to the computer yet. I will try to do that and update the post with one later today. No promises though! =o)

Discussion Question:  Let's talk names!  What name(s) have you picked out for the new baby and/or how do you choose the names for your children (after a family member, just like the name, like the meaning, etc..)?

Ok, so we HAD picked out a name. I even blogged about it previously. Something happened. I don't know what. But I woke up one day and freaked out to my husband - we have misnamed our baby!!! I don't know how, but I just knew it. The first name fit, the middle was not my baby's name. That has never happened to me before with my other kiddos, so I was really upset! How could I have gone so long calling my baby the wrong name? I felt horrible. But, we've now figured it out (we think, I'm not guaranteeing anything now after having the first name melt down). And this little man, tentatively, is Aaron Matthew. You know, we have all kinds of "criteria" for names when we start the process, but by the end of it most of those "rules" have flown out the window and we end up picking what we like and feel is "the right name" for that baby. Ex. With this pregnancy, I said we would NOT use an A, K, or W name, because I wanted all the kids to have names starting with a different letter so no one woul ever feel "left out". Obviously that rule wasn't fulfilled. I wanted the middle name to be a family name (our other 2 kids have family middle names). Well, we went through lists of family names and realized, we had pretty much already used the good names... so unless we wanted something like Winston or Wilburn or Earl... we had to come up something else. My other son's middle name is Thomas which he shares with his Daddy, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Great Great Grandpa! So for inspiration I turned to a list of the 12 Apostles and we landed on Matthew. We also have a good friend names Matthew, and another dear friend lost his brother Matthew last year and (he and his wife are going to be Aaron's godparents, in name only really, because we don't do infant baptism, but we still like to give each child a special gift in godparents), and it just seemed to be the right name. I'm happy with it. We shall see if baby is born and I look at him horrified because I have named him wrong yet again, lol.

Prayer Requests: My Abby girl is being baptized on Sunday. She professed faith in Christ as her savior at church last Sunday and participated in communion with the body of Christ! It was so wonderful, and I am so happy to get to see her follow her Savior in baptism this Sunday. 2 others are being baptized as well! What a glorious day! I love seeing God work in the hearts of the youth in the church. I can't wait to see what God has planned for each of their lives in Him. If you could just keep each of these new Christians in your prayers - it is hard to be a youth and a follower of Christ now. Because they are new believers I really do believe Satan will be targeting them with doubts, challenges, you name it. They are going to need the prayers and love and guidance of the body of Christ (as we all do!), but especially now. Also, we have invited some people to witness the baptism that are not believers. They have agreed to come! And we would love for you to pray with us for their salvation, that they would hear and respond to the gospel when it is spoken this Sunday at the baptism. And pregnancy prayer requests - just for patience. To wait for baby to come when he is ready, to handle my stress and discomfort in a way that is honoring to God and shows a meek and content spirit rather than a gripey mean one, and for a healthy baby and mama whenever labor gets under way. Oh, also if you could just say a quick prayer that baby doesn't want to come until after the baptism, that would be AWESOME! lol. I also have some personal intentions regarding finances and some personal heart issues and struggles that I would appreciate your prayers on as well. And I thank you in advance for your prayers, and I am grateful for them (especially since this week I seem to have given you such a long list!)

1 comment:

  1. Praise God that Abby has given her life to Christ! I am rejoicing with you and keeping her in my prayers!

    I am also prayer for you as you are nearing the end!

