Monday, February 20, 2012

Modest Monday - Maternity Skirts, Pt. 1

If you would glance over to your left, you will notice the button that will take you over to the Modest Mom blog - which I am really enjoying reading! They've got a great series I found over there about wearing skirts (how-to and why), and while I am not of the personal opinion that skirts (or dresses) are required/necessary for the female Christian faithful, I do definitely feel pulled to wear skirts more frequently. I have noticed when I do how much better I feel about myself, how much more productive I am, and just how much my personality and actions change my what I am wearing. Maybe that sounds silly to some of you, it kind of sounds silly to me too! But they do say that those who dress for success usually are more successful and productive, so maybe there is something to this whole wearing skirts/femininity thing. Seriously - I feel like that crazy woman in the picture up top when I wear skirts - and I LOVE it! Yes. I wish I was Donna Reed. I'm definitely not though.

Today I'm linking up with Modest Mom for Modest Monday! And I hope to be chronicling my skirt activities. The first step for me, was figuring out what exactly I want to add in to my wardrobe right now and the best way to get those items. I have searched stores online and in person, and have not been able to find what I am looking for. Skirts can be very modest, sometimes overly modest and leaning towards frumpy, or they can be so scanty and scandalous that the tighest pair of jeans look like a big overcoat in comparison to the skirts. I've been really wanting most of all to add a nice khaki skirt to my wardrobe. I can easily dress it up or down for different looks depending on the need, and since right now I need maternity wear that is easily converted to different styles for different occasions, it really seems like great option for me right now. Problem being - I can only find khaki skirts that are up above my knee (which is not cool for me personally), or I find them going down to the ankle...yah. That doesn't work for me either. I like a skirt that falls just a few inches below the knee. I feel that is a nice modest length, that also goes very well with blending in fairly well out in the world. Its a good compromise length between my faith and not drawing attention to myself - and any kind of extra attention can lead to either pride in appearances, or pride in my faith. It's just one of the struggles I have to try to avoid in my own personal life.

And of course, some of you might just like skirts, or need a maternity one, and that's ok too!

I've decided to make my own, which I will be attempting to do throughtout this week. So hopefully next Monday we can have Pt. 2 of Modest Monday Maternity Skirts! Until then, here is a link to a skirt tutorial that I am going to hopefully be using to aid me in this experiment. I'm not a master seamstress by any means! So this should be quite interesting, and we're bound to get some hilarious pictures and goofs out of it.

Maternity Skirt Tutorial by Sew Mommy Sew

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