Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Helping Our Children Become Handy

Once I married, had children, began keeping my home, and all that jazz, the more I realized I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Seriously! I know we all think that from time to time - if only children came with a handbook, how do I clean the house and keep the kids happy, when do I find time for my husband between all the other stuff we have to take care of - but this is for real. I had no idea how to take care of my house. At all.

I realized that as a child, I never had to do... well, anything regarding housekeeping, cooking, cleaning, you name it. Sure I might have to pick up my room, but I certainly never had to worry about washing sheets, dusting, flipping a mattress, cleaning walls or baseboards, or anything else.
I am trying to make an effort to teach my own brood in this regard - although I certainly am not perfect and feel quite behind in many aspects! One thing we have started to do recently is add in handicrafts to our homeschool curriculum. My son is only 3, and just barely at that, so he is a little young for any of our real projects that we are starting to do, but he is definitely learning more household chores and responsibiities. Of course my older daughter, who is now 8, has more responsibilities on her in regards to chores, but for handicrafts I wanted to keep it fun and exciting for her, so I let her choose what we would work on together first. She chose crochet, and we have started to do that together. Its wonderful get to learn this alongside each other, and have an activity for us to just sit and do together.

We are using this DVD program from Simply Charlotte Mason. It comes with short lessons to teach you the basics, and it helps you go through several projects. The instructor on the DVD is so clear and is a wonderful teacher - I could only imagine how quickly would be picking up on it if she was showing us in person! There are several other handicrafts in the series that they offer, and if they are all produced like the Crochet DVD then I am sure you would be pleased with any of them. I highly recommend these DVD's if you are looking for an easy way to introduce handicrafts to your children, or if you are wanting to pick up some new things for yourself!

Here is a sample from the Handicrafts series that you can see via Youtube:

P.S. I've got a GIVEAWAY going on in a post below. I'd love for you to check it out and enter!

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