Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Pregnancy Journal Link-Up - 36 Weeks!

My Joy-Filled Life

  • Yup, you read it right. 36 weeks. CRAZINESS!
  • 1.5 cm dilated, 30% effaced. Slowly getting there.
  • TONS of Braxton Hicks and some cramping. Starting to have back pain. Yay?
  • Measuring 1-2 weeks ahead by fundal height. Did I mention that I have big babies? =o)
  • My maternity clothes look ridiculous and small. Oh well, they only need to be squeezed into a few more weeks!
  • Baby shower was hot but wonderful! I wish I had pictures, but my camera is broken. But my friends should have some I can take from them. =o) AND we were able to use some gift cards to buy a replacement camera that should be here in a few days! Whew! I will have pictures of my new baby after all! So hopefully next week I can include a belly shot finally!
  • Diaper shower is this weekend. I am so thankful for things to distract me!
  • I want a snocone. Again. I think tomorrow I must get one. MUST.
  • Not much else. We're pretty set. Almost all baby stuff is ready to go. Bags are mostly almost packed for the hospital. I kinda just need to clean up the house, but every day that goes down on my list of priorities. Guess I'm not nesting yet, lol.

Prayer Requests: Patience. The last few weeks are always the longest and the hardest. I know this little man will come in God's timing, and I'm ok with that, but the waiting gets hard. I so want to have this little guy in my arms, and to just not be pregnant right now. Its so HOT and I'm so TIRED.

Discussion Question:  This week's question is from Katherine over at Proverbs and Pacifiers.  "I'd love to ask all those nursing mommies out there about how their nursing relationship changed when they got pregnant. Did you have problems with milk supply or babies wanting to wean early? Did anyone have to supplement with formula? Oh and how difficult is it to nurse both a toddler and a newborn?" 
I've never been pregnant while nursing, so I'm no help. =o) Friends of mine have nursed while pregnant and then tandem nursed a toddler and an infant with no issue, they just kept everything at an on demand schedule and it all worked out fine. I think one of them may have used some herbs to help keep up with milk production, but I don't recall anyone having issues with completely losing their supply or baby wanting to wean before when mom and baby chose to do so. No one I know that breastfeeds has supplemented with formula if they were committed to nursing through a pregnancy and going tandem. It just didn't jive I guess. =o)

1 comment:

  1. Kelli -

    I can't believe you are so close!! I'm getting excited over here!!

    Those last few weeks definitely feel the longest! Praying for patience for you. Like you said, he will come in God's time - and that is an awesome reminder! Glad to hear you have started dilating. I never start dilating that early!!

    I hope your diaper shower was fun (are you using cloth or disposable?). And I hope you got that snow cone you were craving!

