Monday, April 23, 2012

A Week of Modest Outfits! Coming Next Week!

Thanks to some inspiration from The Modest Mom blog, next week I will be doing a daily series where I show you 1 week of my modest outfits!

Every day I will upload a photo of my previous day's modest outfit that I wore. I am also going to try to include photos of my children (8 year old daughter, and 3 year old son) who are are trying to encourage in modesty of heart and dress as well. That will all depend on their mood and cooperation level each day though!

I'm 27 weeks pregnant, so hopefully this helps with some modest maternity outfit ideas for those of you who are also waiting on some new little blessings to enter into your family! My wardrobe right now is very limited, so I hope that I'm able to show you a week's (well, 5 days!) worth of outfits to give you some ideas, or to encourage you in your walk with the Lord regarding modesty and dress.

Remember, this is going to be modesty as for me and my house, and I pray the Lord will lead your family and your hearts to where HE is guiding you in this faith journey we are all on towards Him! Modesty begins in the heart, and our clothing is only a small reflection of that. We all may have slightly different thoughts on our modesty standards or where we are at on that path, but I know we can all be in agreement on joining our hearts and prayers together in dressing to glorify Him!

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