Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Pregnancy Journal Link-Up, Wk 1 - 28 weeks

My Joy-Filled Life

I am so excited to be joining in on My Joy-Filled Life's Pregnancy Journal Link-Up! For this first week I wanted to share with you a little bit about our beliefs regarding children and how we got here, and a quick run down of this pregnancy "so-far" since I'm already hitting trimester 3.

First of all, we believe that children are a BLESSING from the LORD! However, I unfortunately can't say that we have always believed this. Our faith journey is long and ragged, but its brought us to such a vastly different place than when we were young, in college, pregnant outside of marriage, Christian in "name" but not heart. I know the Lord has brought us to this place and changed our hearts, because if you knew me 10 years ago, you would not even recognize this person I am today! Praise God!!! We do not use any form of birth control, not only the pill and other contraception because of the chance of miscarriage (abortion, my heart breaks), but not even NFP or other rhythm type methods because we have now chosen to let the Lord control that part of our lives as well, and to truly give it over to Him and to receive as many blessings as God will give us. It may not always be easy, but God has NEVER failed to provide for us and our family, despite us thinking with each new child "what will we do???" God doesn't make promises he can't keep, its true!

My husband and I have been married for 9 years now, and I am SO blessed to have him. To have seen how far he has come in his relationship with the Lord and as leader of our family has been a true blessing to me, and it makes my love for him grow more and more. That doesn't mean there aren't days where I don't secretly, or not so secretly, glare at him... but that's my sin! And I'm working on it. We have 2 wonderful children so far, with our third on the way. I'll give you all the details about that here in a minute! Abby is 8, and can be best described as the girl who will play football with you out in the mud - as long as she can do it in her high heels! Immediately upon finishing the game, she will clean herself up and get right back to her regular job of mothering anyone and everyone who will let her. Will is 3, and my oh my... What a charmer he is - but look out, because behind his back is most likely a sword that you are about to get unexpectedly whacked with. That grin and curly red hair has gotten us all into that trap!

So - now, Baby number 3! A run-down on this pregnancy for you.

- I am due July 24th - but based on baby's size they are estimating July 16th.
- My other 2 kids were both born about a week before the due date, so we will see...
- I am 28 weeks along (come Tuesday)
- It's a BOY
- His name is Aaron Josiah
- I had the WORST morning sickness ever until about 14 weeks
- I knew I was pregnant because I gagged when I was brushing my teeth one day. I just KNEW.
- I still get sporadically sick, but not so bad.
- My second trimester was a breeze. I forgot I was pregnant most days.
- I now have baby body parts stabbing me in the ribs and other areas. Its beginning to be uncomfortable.
- Aaron has what is called an Echogenic Intracardiac Focus - basically its calcium deposits that can be seen in his heart via ultrasound. What does it mean? Basically nothing, really. However, children who have down syndrome have these more often than children who do not. It does not mean Aaron will have Down syndrome, its just a statistic. All other indicators seem to suggest that Down Syndrome is not likely. We of course are praying for Aaron's health, but if God chose to create Aaron with Down Syndrome, we gladly accept that and praise Him, and pray for the wisdom we would need should that be the answer. We would appreciate your prayers regarding this as well, for whatever the Lord wills!

Discussion Question:   How do you think the Bible will help you to have an easier birth?

I've been considering this today, and I think for me just knowing this pregnancy, that this child is a blessing, and reading that over and over in the scriptures, comforts me in knowing that this child is a gift from the Lord and of course I will endure all the Lord would have me endure to meet and know and love this child. When I read about women in the Bible who prayed for a child and longed for a child, and were blessed with one by the Lord and that child was used to fulfill the Lords plan, I pray that my children and my family can be used in the same way by our heavenly Father! I also think about Mary, and what she must have gone through during her pregnancy. The questions and looks from people thinking the worst of her, the disapproval of others, the rough journey she took to Bethlehem - all of this reminds me to praise God through all the bumps and pains and problems I seem to have in everyday life because of being pregnant, or people who may not approve of our having more children. I know that the Lord has blessed us with this little baby, and I offer him thanks and praise!

I also wanted to share with you, that beginning tomorrow on my blog I am going to be posting pictures of me each day this week, giving an example of a modest outfit that I would wear. My daughter is also going to let me take a picture of her everyday, because she loved the idea and wanted to encourage other children to think about modesty in their clothing as well! Sometimes I am so proud of that sweet girl. I'd love for you to come back each day and take a look. I'll be linking up tomorrow with The Modest Mom!


  1. We have a lot in common :)

    I'm a week ahead of you (29 weeks) and we're actually studying Scripture on turning the womb completely over to God. Birth control has never been an option for us after reading Randy Alcorn's book, Does the Birth Control Pill cause Abortions. However, NFP was an option....but Scripture is revealing otherwise on that. Now it's just taking the leap of faith.

    So glad everything is going well for you! I'll join you and your family in praying for baby Aaron!

    You can view My Pregnancy Journal Link-Up here,

  2. Kelli - Thank you so much for linking up! Your post was just so refreshing to me and really touched my heart. Thank you so much for giving us a little back ground info; that was encouraging to read and it reminded me a bit about my journey to 7 children.

    I really enjoyed your answer to the discussion question. For pregnancy and childbirth I have my "go-to" scriptures, but I never really ever thought of thinking about how the women of the Bible were feeling and what they were doing. I love that prospective!

    I will be praying for your little Aaron!

    I'm looking forward to your week of modesty outfits!!

  3. Awesome! Your weight-due-date {July 16} is my birthday, as is my Grandma's. It's also my sister-in-laws due date for my niece!

    Aaron welcome to the club! heh
